Friday, February 02, 2007

And then there was one...

I have had a very full time with vistors this past month and a half or so. First my girlfriends over New Years and then Ashely. Pictures of their visits are in the posts below. It is just Ani, Mhairi, Nina and I again now and Nina will be leaving us shortly. Jenna comes at the end of Febuary and I am really looking forward to her arrival and then my parents come just as she leaves.
So Ashley has left me now. I miss her terribly. Life was so full when she was here.
The following entries are pictures from her time here in Tokyo with me. Ashley's blog entries are long but very good and if you have not read them I suggest that you do if you would like to know about our time together. Although the entries are long and detailed, they don't come close to telling all that we did and experienced. We had a very full and exciting month and to describe it all would take far to long. We have become even closer over this trip and our separation is now very hard on me but I am so grateful that we had this time.
Enjoy the pictures.


Anonymous said...

I love the photos....such a special time for you both. Thank you for giving me a small window into your time together.

Anonymous said...

you made a grate blog in japan!
and you enjoyed ur time wiz ur sis in japan!
how awesome!
and you've been to Okonomiyaki shop again! it was yammy ,right?

ive never been to c SUMOU ...
you became a real japanese ??more than me,,,

hope you enjoy tokyo life
keep in touch
and i enjoyed to c your blog!!
