Well I finally got to Tokyo! Ani and I went last Tuesday and stayed the night in a hostel. We were apartment shopping for Ani and Nina. They found a place in a really amazing area, so they are both excited to move. Well what can I tell you about Tokyo? Basically, it is AMAZING!!! I cant tell you how wonderful it felt to be in a big city, to ride on a subway, to be around lots of people and shops. We could not have asked for a better day, it was sunny and really warm, probably around 26-28 degrees. Ani and I left early in the morning from Ota and we went first to see an apartment at the top of the city, the Komagome station on the Nambuko line (for those of you who are following this on the Tokyo subway map). Here we made an amazing discover....TOKYO DOME CITY!! (http://www.tokyo-dome.co.jp/e/) It is amazing. I cant even describe, it will not do it justice. It is kinda like a theme park, shopping center, restaurant court yard, and athletic center all in one. All in all it is fabulous!
The apartment we looked at was however, not so amazing. We then walked down from Komagome station to Shinjuku which is a major hub of Tokyo for foreigners and locals. The walk took about three hours, the city is huge of course, but it was sooo nice! It just felt amazing to walk the city. The Japanese are not big walkers so everyone we met along our way in our inquires as to our direction, were very surprised to learn we were intent on walking that far.
We finally arrived at Shinjuku and it did not disappoint! There were so many people, so many shops, there were fabulous little alleyways that I longed to explore with tones of shops and people. It felt like a festival was going on and this was just a normal Tuesday! I was so happy I was walking around with the biggest smile on my face. I am sure I looked so stupid but I didnt care, I was in Tokyo, one of the largest and most fabulous cities in the world and nothing could bring me down from that high. Ani and I just walked around in awe of the neighbourhood which didnt seem to end. We went to the next apartment which is not far from Shinjuku and Ani loved it so that is where Ani and Nina are going to live. It is a three bedroom, and the third room is occupied by a guy our age who is studying here in Tokyo. The apartment is not large, as you can imagine but it is nice and their rooms are a good size.
When Ani and I left that apartment it was late and as we walked towards the subway we were stopped by a man who apparently owns a crame school and was looking for teachers. So at 9pm we had an hour (or longer) interview at this man's school which was close by. The pay is not what I want and I dont think he can offer full time but he was certainly impressed with us. Unfortunately we were not so impressed with the job but it was still a very random and totally crazy experience.
So after that we made it to our hostel and were, as you could expect, completely exhausted. It this time I had been slowly coming down with a cold which when I woke up it was the cold from hell. Ani went off to sign her contract with the school she will be working for and I had to return to Ota and to my bed. I have sent the last few days rather ill and I had to miss a day of work, so that is my excuse for having such a delayed post. I am on the mend but still not fully better. This illness has not spared me of my cold sore curse. So I am also fighting that. Pretty picture isn't it? Wouldn't you like to have a one on one lesson and your teacher have a big gross sore under there nose. I am controlling it with tea tree oil but it is still ugly.
Mhairi and I are still applying to jobs in Tokyo and are apartment shopping.
Work is of course busy. Eight lessons a day, a 40min break, 10mins between classes to prep for the next... the days pass quickly.
I have finished reading The Secret Life and Many Sorrows of Josephine Bonaparte. It was great, I recommend it. And now I am on the homestretch of Pride and Prejudice. Last night I read from the time I got home (8pm) to after midnight without evening noticing the time going by. I of course had to read Mr. Darcy's proposal out loud to myself and then I had to read their meeting at Pemberly twice. There is such a misfortune to my being ill!
Well that is it for me now.
p.s. I cant seem to upload pics at this time, I will do it later.